Halloween Costumes: Food Couture

Halloween has slowly moved from being solely a kid’s dress-up holiday to one where grownups actively participate. It’s especially evident when perusing any of the popup Spirit of Halloween stores; the adult costume area usually beats the childrens’ costumes two to one.

If my analytics are correct, a popular costume this year will be Louise from Bob’s Burgers based on the searches leading to this site. (I spotted someone dressed as Louise at this year’s San Diego Comic Con.) On that note,  I thought it would fun to examine some food-related costumes in the spirit of Halloween especially with this being a food-centric blog.

Was it just me or did the Fruit of the Loom guys frighten you, too? Although I still get scare from clowns (and wax figures but that’s another story), there’s something about a group of men dressed up as fruit telling you what underwear to wear. You can recreate this gang by purchasing an apple, grape (both green and purple varieties) and what I always thought was someone dressed as spinach. Apparently he’s really just a bunch of leaves. You can find most of the costumes here.

I’m all for dressing up pets for Halloween. An obvious choice to dress up your mutt, especially if they fall into the dachshund shape, is a hot dog. My favorite is this cute fella dressed up as a stick of butter. I betcha Paula Deen would go nuts for this.

Right alongside dressing dogs in their Halloween best are babies. It seems to be rational given that babies can’t protest their parents’ choice of costume for them until they learn vocalization skills. While dressing up a baby as a pea in a pod is über cute, there’s something oddly unsettling about dressing them up as a turkey complete with all the fixings on a platter.

Even food costumes can’t escape the sexy treatment and who knew that corn could be sexy? I can almost hear the pickup lines with this outfit and it involves husks. For a version showing less skin, you can find several versions online including this number found on Amazon.

I think it’s about time to retire the Salt and Pepper costumes. As easy as it is to put the costume together (one person dresses completely in black while the other dresses completely in white with S or P added to their chests), it’s been overdone. Please, let’s end the madness.

For more Halloween-inspired ideas including tutorials, check out Eva Halloween’s site, The Year of Halloween.

All photos are linked to their websites.

8 thoughts on “Halloween Costumes: Food Couture

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  1. Fruit of the Loom guys = creepy. Dog in butter costume = If I could get my dog to wear this and act normal, I totally would. Turkey baby….. um…. no. Please, no. I’m still thinking about my costume, wondering if I should do something food-related too since everyone at work is now familiar with my food blogging and love of baking.

  2. haha! i was just looking at “the worst halloween costumes this year” on yahoo and the CORN COSTUME was one of them! there as also a sexy “Chucky” and a sexy “realtor” too. The corn one though, classic!

    Fruit of the loom guys are pretty uh, masculine.

    i’m having a hard time deciding my non-food related Halloween costume. As with the other years, I will be doing cross-playing once again. It’s fun to dress up as a dude!

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